It had been a typical April in the south, a lot of rain and a lot of wind! I had been watching the weather like a hawk, and we had been praying for clear weather the day of their session. Thankfully, the rain held off! The wind on the other hand... it was a chilly, blustery day. But Chase and Autumn didn't seem fazed and didn't let it ruin their special session! They were amazing; she rocked her stunning emerald dress and posed like she had done it a hundred times. And the way he looked at her and helped her the entire session was the sweetest. Toward the end of the session, we were able to grab a few shots of them with their fur babies! And let me tell you, they were the most well behaved dogs I've ever seen!! (Wait until you see the last picture!!!)

Chase and Autumn, thank you for allowing me to capture these moments for you!! I am SO excited for you as you are about to begin this new journey of parenthood! You guys are going to be amazing parents and I can't wait to meet your precious bundle!!