One year olds and cake! What could be better?!! The little toes, the toothless grin, the messy face, the big personality! This is one milestone you want to remember forever! 🤍
Here are some things you’ll want to keep in mind during your child’s one year milestone and cake smash session!

We do the clean photos first! lol! Before we break out the cake, we get some sweet shots of your little in a favorite outfit! Whether it’s an heirloom piece that you wore as a baby or maybe a sentimental piece all your kids have worn, we usually choose to do it first to keep it stain free!

You can bring several outfits! Can’t decide on a favorite, bring them both! Depending on your child’s temperament and how they are feeling about the session, you can bring up to three outfits for them to model!

I go at your child’s speed! Do they want to dance? Let’s turn on some music! Read a book? I have lots to choose from. Hold their favorite stuffy, be held my mama for a bit, want to nurse, need to be changed? We have time built in to your session to go at their pace and keep them comfortable and happy! There’s no need to rush them to get that perfect shot, it comes easy when they’re not stressed!

We can do them inside the studio or outside! I use very minimal props to keep ALL the focus on your sweet baby! Too many props can be a distraction!

I have a bathroom and bathtub to use after the fun part! Some kids get their hands dirty…others need a complete head to toe washing after their session! lol! I have a full bathroom conveniently located in the studio with towels, washcloths, and baby soap! 🥰

matted folio album
And to remember this session forever, products are a perfect way to keep them fresh in your mind. Put them in a beautiful coffee table album and flip through them with your child every year on their birthday to cue all the feels! You will never regret having heirloom products you can feel and touch and share with those you love. If you have a baby close to turning one, LET'S CHAT!! Email me for more info or any questions! Know a mama of an almost one year old? Send them this blog post!